Hailstorms in the U.S. causes are now causing up to $22 billion in damage per year. The state of Colorado alone has up to four catastrophic hailstorms every year – causing at least $25 million in damage. Of the 12 costliest hailstorms in the state, 8 of them have taken place in the Denver Metro area.  Hail not only causes serious damage to homes, but it also destroys crops, kills livestock, and incurs bodily harm. One more thing hail can easily damage is your vehicle. This is especially true in cases where hailstones are very large. Hailstones that are the size of a baseball can fall at up to 110 miles per hour. If your car is out side in one of these catastrophic hailstorms without any protection, it could easily become totaled. In order to prevent your car from becoming ruined or damaged, here are three ways to protect your vehicle from hail damage.
1. Heed Weather Alerts One of the best ways to prepare for a serious hailstorm is to heed weather alerts. Hail is especially common during supercell thunderstorms. These storms are the most common in Colorado between mid-April to mid-September. While the exact location of where hail will fall can be hard for meteorologists to pinpoint, weather forecasters are able to accurately predict the general region. With advances in technology, along with the number of weather apps that are available, it is easy to stay apprised of bad weather. If you don’t have access to weather information, there are a few more ways to tell that hail might be on the way. One is by noticing a sudden drop in temperature. This means a cold front has moved in, which always has the potential to cause severe weather, including hail. Dark grey clouds, thunder, and lighting are also good indications of hail.
2. Find Shelter for Your VehicleIf you think that hail is on the way, you should find shelter for your vehicle right away. The safest place for your vehicle is in the garage. If you don’t have a garage, you could drive your car to the nearest parking garage or park next to a large building. You can also go under the awning at the nearest bank drive-thru. If you are on a highway or the Inter state, you will want to stay parked underneath an overpass. Because hailstorms are so common in Colorado, you may want to consider building a carport in order to protect your vehicle from future hailstorms. As a word of caution, while it may be tempting to park your car under a tree to shield it from hailstones, this isn’t the best idea. The wind from the storm could cause branches to fall down and damage your car, or worse yet, the entire tree could come down on your vehicle.
3. Cover Your VehicleIf you can’t find adequate shelter for your vehicle, you do have another option when it comes to protecting it from hail damage. There are a few things you can cover your car with to keep damage to a minimum. Some of these things include:
- Thick blankets
- Floor mats from your vehicle
- Car cover
These things might not offer the best protection, but they can help keep hail damage to a minimum. If you were not able to protect your vehicle from the most recent hailstorm and your car sustained damage, contact Superior Dent Solutions. When it comes to hail damage repair and paintless dent repair services, we offer a fast turnaround time along with a lifetime warranty. If your auto insurance company doesn’t cover car rentals, we will provide a loaner car for free.