Auto Hail Repair ↗
Everything you need to know about auto hail repari.
Paintless Dent Repair ↗
Learn more about the paintless dent repair process.
Useful Info ↗
Rental cars, insurance information, and more.
If my car is damaged by hail, will insurance cover a rental?
If your vehicle is damaged in a hail storm and you carry comprehensive coverage, a rental car is typically covered. To be certain, you should check the details of your policy. If you don’t have immediate access to your policy, contact your provider and talk to an agent who can explain the details of your policy regarding rental coverage.
How long will insurance pay for a rental car for auto hail repair?
Most insurance policies limit rental reimbursement coverage to around 30 days.
Does Superior Dent Solutions have rental cars available?
We have a fleet of 10 rentals available to loan. If you don’t have an extra car, we have cars but they are subject to a waiting list. Only available with valid insurance and over 21.
How do I reserve a rental car through my insurance company?
Call claims and ask them to set you up with a reservation with Enterprise or Hertz.
Your insurance company should give you a verification code and you will need that information to make sure a car is available. Call the rental agency of your choosing, we suggest Enterprise or Hertz, and ask for the next available rental. Sometimes rentals take 5-7 days in advance so the sooner you file your claim the better. We will meet you at the rental agency and pick up your vehicle for repairs.